Wednesday 15 July 2015

War of a Warrior...

Tired and lonely,
I am a warrior,
Tired of carrying the burden of life.
Double a decade in the battle....
I have been fighting alone.
A war against what's wrong,
A war within myself.
A battle between my mind and heart.

Warriors fight, they say.
In the stormy days and in the darkest nights,
Warriors fall and rise.
But they don't quit the battle.
But today I'm tired,
Tired of being the strongest shoulder for myself.
I'm tired of fighting alone.
My eyelids shut to meet with dreams.
My body is scarred by the armour of pretence.
My sword of confidence has turned blunt,
And my shield of hope lies rusted.

I'm a warrior in search of a Knight.
Another shoulder to prove stronger than mine...
So that when I rest my head on it,
My fears within shatter into bits.
A Knight who mends my armour of self confidence,
A sword of resistance....
And a shield of hope.

A Knight to absorb my negativity.
A Knight to fight in my battle.
A Knight to make me rise every time I fall.
Someone I can call "My Knight".
And someone who calls me,

"My warrior."

-Jaismita Alexander

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