Friday 31 July 2015

Some things over coffee...

"She was looking pretty in a maroon Kurti. She had a file in her right hand. I saw her cross the road. She went in to the book shop. I followed her. I stood in front of the book shop as she was flipping through the pages of the book. She had grown her nails. She was growing up, of course. Ready to go to college. She is no more a school girl. I wish I could see her once closer. But I didn't dare to come in front of her. So I left before she could see me.", he said letting out a long sigh. 

I was looking at him. His face was lit up and the happiness of seeing her after a month clearly reflected.
I said, "She still loves you and you love her still. Go and sort out things and be like before." 

"No. Let it be. Love from a distance is truer and deep. I will love her always. Far or near.", he said and got up without finishing his coffee.

I checked my phone as it had beeped once while we were talking.

One message received:

"Did you guys meet over coffee?"

She sent. 

I replied, "No."

"Oh. He might have some work. Like always.", she sent.

"Hmm.. No time for a second love story.", I typed and deleted.

"Hmm... Or may be he still loves you.", I typed and deleted again.

"Hmm...", I typed and sent. 

~Jaismita Alexander

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